In the near future, the city has been reduced to a dystopian wasteland due to the scourge of “Hype,” a powerful narcotic that induces a simultaneous euphoric and aggressive state in its users. Kingpin Boz impulsively asks a hyper to commit suicide for his own amusement; later, the girl’s teenage sister, Lizard, slips into Boz’s lair and steals his Hype supply in revenge. Lizard flees across the street to a decaying VFW hall, where she encounters Vietnam veteran Fred Parras and a contingent of ageing soldiers who spend their days reminiscing about their lost youth, growing irrelevancy, and impending deaths. Presented with a final battle and opportunity to go down fighting rather than pass away ignominiously from old age, Fred and his men decide to protect Lizard and wage a final war against Boz, his henchmen, and the hypers.