

The critically acclaimed comedy-drama unfurls for a second series, this time set in the bloom of summer. Will Sharpe’s darkly imaginative, heartfelt and cinematic series sees the return of the well-meaning Deborah (Olivia Colman), her depressive husband Maurice (Julian Barratt), their maladjusted adult twin children Amy (Sophia Di Martino) and Donald (Daniel Rigby) and the rest of this dysfunctional ensemble, including the eternally optimistic Shun (played by Sharpe).


New dark comedy starring Olivia Colman and Julian Barratt following the eccentric Flowers family and their struggle to live harmoniously. Flowers is an imaginative, cinematic show about an eccentric and dysfunctional family struggling to hold themselves together; written and directed by award winning Will Sharpe. Maurice (Barratt), the author of illustrated children’s books The Grubbs, and music teacher wife Deborah (Colman) are barely together, but yet to divorce. As Maurice fights inner demons and dark secrets, Deborah tries to keep the family together at all costs and becomes increasingly suspicious that Maurice is in a secret homosexual relationship with his Japanese illustrator. Anna Chancellor plays Aunty Viv, Deborah’s vivacious sister.